2020 California Poster

2020 California Labor Poster

Source: California Employers Association

Employers are required by the US Department of Labor and also by the State of California to post Labor Posters in order to remain in compliance. These posters must include information regarding Paid Sick Leave, Minimum wage, Paydays, Cal/ OSHA, FMLA/CFRA, Workers Compensation, and Emergency phone numbers.  Please be sure that your labor poster(s) include all of the topics listed. 

Additionally, the poster must be displayed in the business location where employees can easily see it and read it. Lastly, if your staff predominantly speaks another language, you’ll need to post the posters in those languages as well. 

The following changes are taking place for January 1, 2020:

  • Minimum wage increase to $12.00/hour takes effect for employers with 25 or less employees and to $13.00/hour takes effect for employers with 26 or more employees.
  • Update to the DFEH Discrimination and Harassment Notice


If your work site needs an updated Labor Poster, please feel free to contact your FLORES representative at (619) 588-2411.