- April 16, 2019
- Posted by: FLORES
- Category: flores blog

Source: The California Department of Fair Employment and Housing
Under the California Family Rights Act of 1993 (CFRA), if you have more than 12 months of service with your employer and have worked at least 1,250 hours in the 12-month period before the date you want to begin your leave, and if you employ 50 or more employees at your worksite or within 75 miles of your worksite, you may have a right to a family care or medical leave (CFRA leave). This leave may be up to 12 workweeks in a 12-month period for the birth, adoption, or foster care placement of your child or for your own serious health condition or that of your child, parent or spouse.
If you employ less than 50 employees at your worksite or within 75 miles of your worksite, but at least 20 employees at your worksite or within 75 miles of your worksite, you may have a right to a family care leave for the birth, adoption, or foster care placement of your child under the New Parent Leave Act (NPLA). Similar to CFRA leave, the NPLA leave may be up to 12 workweeks in a 12-month period.
While the law provides only unpaid leave, employees may choose or employers may require use of accrued paid leave while taking CFRA leave under certain circumstances and employees may choose to use accrued paid leave while taking NPLA leave.
Even if you are not eligible for CFRA or NPLA leave, if you are disabled by pregnancy, childbirth or a related medical condition, you are entitled to take a pregnancy disability leave of up to four months, depending on your period(s) of actual disability. If you are CFRA- or NPLA-eligible, you have certain rights to take BOTH a pregnancy disability leave and a CFRA or NPLA leave for reason of the birth of your child. Both leaves contain a guarantee of reinstatement -for pregnancy disability it is to the same position and for CFRA or NPLA it is to the same or a comparable position -at the end of the leave, subject to any defense allowed under the law.
If possible, you must provide at least 30 days’ advance notice for foreseeable events (such as the expected birth of a child or a planned medical treatment for yourself or of a family member). For events that are unforeseeable, you need to notify your employer, at least verbally, as soon as you learn of the need for the leave. Failure to comply with these notice rules is grounds for, and may result in, deferral of the requested leave until you comply with this notice policy. Employer may require certification from your health care provider before allowing you a leave for pregnancy disability or for your own serious health condition. Employer also may require certification from the health care provider of your child, parent or spouse, who has a serious health condition, before allowing you a leave to take care of that family member. When medically necessary, leave may be taken on an intermittent or reduced work schedule.
If you are taking a leave for the birth, adoption, or foster care placement of a child, the basic minimum duration of the leave is two weeks, and you must conclude the leave within one year of the birth or placement for adoption or foster care. Taking a family care or pregnancy disability leave may impact certain of your benefits and your seniority date.
If you want more information regarding your eligibility for a leave and/or the impact of the leave on your seniority and benefits, please contact 619-588-2411 or email info@flores-financial.com.
DFEH/April 2019