CA Wildfires- OSHA Measures for Workers

In California, we have become accustomed to high winds and fire danger in the Fall. This year, our so-called “fire season” has started earlier and with great force, especially in Southern California.


With four major fires currently raging in our state, some Californians are dusting off their facemasks and using them outdoors to protect themselves from the poor air quality.

Poor air quality, evacuation orders, and power outages are hitting thousands of people in California and are having a severe impact on individuals and businesses. At CEA, we get many questions about how to handle issues relating to ongoing wildfire threats. Here are some answers:

Q: What is my Responsibility When There is Poor Air Quality due to Wildfires?

A: Whether poor air quality is due to wildfires or other pollution, employers should be regularly checking the air quality index and obtaining the AQI number by going to a trusted website such as

Indoor Workplaces: According to Cal/OSHA, wildfire smoke can be carried by wind and become a hazard for employees working in indoor workplaces, even those located many miles from evacuation zones. Employers must ensure ventilation systems are properly maintained and functioning, and provide the proper indoor ventilation required by Cal/OSHA.

Outdoor Workplaces: With certain exceptions, Cal/OSHA also requires employers to take measures to protect outdoor workers when the current AQI is 151 or greater. Visit Cal/OSHA for specific requirements.


For more resources and information regarding Pay, Time Off, and How You Can Help your employees during fire season, please visit the California Employer’s Association page here to read the full article:


If you have any questions or need help understanding how this may affect your business, give FLORES a call. Contact us at (619) 588-2411.