- March 4, 2025
- Posted by: FLORES
- Categories: Business Strategy, Human Resources, Payroll

CA EDD SB 951- Increase to PFL and Disability Benefits
What you need to know: California boosted Paid Family Leave and Disability Insurance benefits up to 90 percent of regular pay for many workers—a landmark increase that will make it much easier for Californians to take time off for an illness or injury, or to care for loved ones.
SACRAMENTO—California’s Employment Development Department (EDD) today announced a major boost in Paid Family Leave and disability benefits for workers—up to 90 percent of pay for workers earning less than $63,000 per year, and 70 percent for higher income workers.
“Expanded Paid Family Leave benefits are about making it easier for Californians to care for themselves, bond with a new child, and care for their families without worrying about how they’ll pay the bills,” said Governor Gavin Newsom. “This is another example of California leading the way in supporting workers, creating a more affordable California, and building more opportunity for all.”
“This benefit boost makes it more affordable to take time off work and care for an ill family member, bond with a child, or recover from illness or injury,” said EDD Director Nancy Farias. “These investments strengthen California’s workforce and improve the lives of millions of Californians.”
California’s benefit boost will help workers take time off work for pregnancy, childbirth, or recovery from illness or injury. It will also help people care for seriously ill family members, bond with new children, or support family during military deployment abroad.
The new law that increases these benefits, Senate Bill 951 (SB 951), went into effect January 1, 2025, and is not retroactive—meaning claims from 2024 continue payment at 2024 rates (which paid 60 to 70 percent of weekly wages). Information about this transition period is posted on the 2025 Benefit Payment FAQs webpage.
Paid Family Leave and Disability Insurance are insurance plans that cover more than 18 million California workers. Workers pay into these insurance plans through payroll contributions and then draw benefits when needed. Eligible workers receiving disability can get up to 52 weeks of benefits and workers taking Paid Family Leave are eligible for up to 8 weeks of benefits, plus 4 weeks before birth for expecting mothers. On average, workers last year received over $870 per week in Paid Family Leave and over $780 per week for disability.
For more information on calculations and FAQs, read the full article here: https://edd.ca.gov/en/about_edd/news_releases_and_announcements/california-boosts-paid-family-leave-and-disability-benefits-to-record-levels-for-new-claims-filed-in-2025/
If you have any questions or need help understanding how this may affect your business, give FLORES a call. Our HR department would be happy to assist you. Contact us at (619) 588-2411.