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Upcoming California Law Changes

Upcoming California Law Changes

Stay updated! Stay compliant!

🗓 Effective April 1, 2024: Fast Food minimum wage in effect – The Labor Commissioner’s FAQs identify who is covered under the law, along with additional criteria and exemptions for fast food restaurants.
AB 1228 is a new law in California, which added sections 1474, 1475, and 1476 to the Labor Code and does two main things. First, it increases the minimum wage for “fast food restaurant employees.” Second, it establishes a Fast Food Council, which is empowered both to make future increases to the minimum wage and to adopt other minimum employment standards for fast food restaurants.
For FAQs, read the full article here –
đź—“ Effective July 1, 2024: Workplace Violence Prevention Program (SB 553) -An act to amend, repeal, and add Section 527.8 of the Code of Civil Procedure, and to amend Section 6401.7 of, and to add Section 6401.9 to, the Labor Code, relating to occupational safety.
This state bill requires virtually all employers to develop, implement, and maintain an “effective” written workplace violence prevention plan (WVPP), as well as train employees, and create and maintain extensive records regarding workplace violence.  While the legislation outlines some general provisions and specific requirements, Cal/OSHA is mandated to devise new standards and regulations complying with SB 553 by 1 December 2025, with final approval to be granted no later than 31 December 2026. This means that the required provisions and measures could change between the initial 1 July compliance deadline and when Cal/OSHA formulates the new standards.
For more information, read the full article here –


If you have any questions or need help understanding how this may affect your business, give FLORES a call. Our HR department would be happy to assist you in any way we can.

Contact us at 619-588-2411

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